The “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH march forJUSTICE ” is being organised by the Transparency Task Force, a UK-based but very international Certified Social Enterprise. The Transparency Task Force is a leading advocacy group. We lead many collaborative efforts and impactful initiatives, the organisation strives to address systemic issues and drive positive change for consumers and stakeholders alike; we are dedicated to driving the kind of positive, progressive and purposeful reforms that any decent, consumer-minded person would want to see. We believe in transparency, scrutiny and accountability; and we believe that far too many people are being very badly let down by government departments, regulators and the judiciary.
The Transparency Task Force is led by its Founder, Andy Agathangelou. Andy is also:
Chair, Secretariat Committee, APPG on Investment Fraud and Fairer Financial Services
Chair, Violation Tracker UK Advisory Board
Co-Founder, The Woodford Campaign Group
Founder, RSA’s Financial Services Network
Governor, The Pensions Policy Institute
Associate Member, Better Finance
Please note that we are actively recruiting a Leadership Committee for the march that Andy will Chair.
The members so far are: